
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Making Metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks with chocolate.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will show you what we did in our topic and I will tell you how metamorphic rocks are made. So in our topic we made metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks with white chocolate and dark chocolate. 

Metamorphic rocks are made by heat and pressure from the rock on top of them and heat from near by magma. 

We had a bowl and then we grabbed the chocolates and imagined the chocolate was sediment. We ground the chocolate to make an example of weathering and grabbed a piece of thin foil and crunched it up together as hard as we could. We crunched it up together because our hands have heat and pressure. When we were grabbing the chocolates, our hands get sticky because of the chocolate. 

After we were done making our metamorphic rock, we made our igneous rock. We heated the chocolate and the marshmallow in the microwave for twenty seconds. After twenty seconds the chocolate and the marshmallow melted and looked really brown. 

When my teacher took the her metaphoric rock/chocolate it looked like it had layers. 

Last but not least it was the best part, it was taste time. The igneous rocks tasted so good than  the metamorphic rock. 

Here is a video of grinding the chocolate and a picture of rock cycle:

Thank you everyone for reading my blog post. Make sure to leave a comment.(:

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