
Friday, June 12, 2020

Health & Math (Hurumanu 6)

Happy Philippines independence day. 

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will show you what we have been doing in our hurumanu 6 subjects. Our hurumanu 6 subject is about maths and health.

First task:

 Get a group of 3 then guess how many teaspoons of sugars in a fizzy drink, energy drink, sports drink, powered drink, fruit juice and flavoured milk. (If you're wondering what is flavoured milk that means milk with flavour in them) My group guess for a fizzy drink was 20 teaspoon of sugars, energy drink guess was 8 teaspoon, sports drinks were 20 teaspoons, powered drinks was 3 teaspoons, fruit juice was 10 teaspoons and flavoured milk was 3 teaspoons. The real amount of sugars that are put in those drinks was: Fizzy drinks: 16-20 teaspoons, energy drinks: 14 teaspoons, sports drink: was 14 teaspoons, powdered drinks were: 6 teaspoons, fruit juice was: 8 teaspoon and flavoured milk were: 6 teaspoons.

Second task:

Get up with another group. One person gets all the materials, the materials are getting 7 ziplock bags, a bowl with sugars, and a poster with the drinks. Then we got started, we had to fill in the ziplock bag with how many teaspoons of sugars those drinks have. It was very hard and hilarious because we all took turns and we don't have the same amount of sugars in our ziplock bag. 

This is my group:

This is supose to how it looks like:

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post. Make sure the comment is positive, helpful and thoughtful!
Question of the day: What kind of drink did you get surprised with how much sugars in them? (I got surprised by the sports drinks because I thought it supposed to be healthy)

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