
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Japanese (Calligraphy)

Hello bloggers,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will show you what we have been doing today in Japanese. So our teacher wanted us to try calligraphy. Calligraphy is from Japanese and it is written with a paintbrush and a piece of paper.

Our teacher showed us a video on how to do it. He gave us a paper, paintbrush and an ink o write with. He also already setup newspaper so it won't leave a mess on the tables which were pretty caring to the environment. So we got started we had some examples on the board for writing them down on the paper. I wrote my name which was pretty important and I was satisfied with it. I really enjoyed doing Calligraphy with our Japanese teacher because he is always kind and always there for help.

here is my work:
The word on the top is how to write my name in Kanji and the bottom was peace. 

It was really enjoyable to do this and I really had fun I also want to do this again. 

Please make sure to leave a comment and don't forget to have a great day. 

Question of the day: Have you done this before? (Tell me how it went)

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