
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Japanese delicious (Rice Ball)

Hello readers,

In Japanese, we have been doing something fun and super amazing because it's almost the end of the term. My (Amazing teacher) decided to make Japanese rice balls. The first step we took was to wash our hands to make sure our hands are clean (besides not getting bacterias). The second step was to grab a good size amount of glad wrap and place it on the table. The third step, grab rice already mixed with powder. We needed glad wrap so that the rice won't stick to our hands. The fourth step was to round any shape you want with the rice in the glad wrap. The second to last steps was to get the rice out of the glad wrap and gently place the rice on the seaweed wrap. Our final step was to put mayonnaise and soy sauce on our rice. We were not allowed to put a lot of mayonnaise and soy sauce because it will make the seaweed soggy.

Actually, Our first step was to pray and our last step was to pray to have some respect.

It tasted so delicious and I was satisfied because it made me full. I wasn't too happy about my shape so I just flattened my rice ball. But I wasn't worried because it was still good. I just want to say thank you to our Japanese teacher who was awesome.


  • Soy sauce
  • Mayonnaise
  • Powder 
  • Seaweed
  • rice
  • glad wrap

Video of how to make a rice ball:
Rice ball

Onigiri (Rice Ball) Recipe – Japanese Cooking 101

Hope everyone is having a good day and make sure to leave a comment.

Question of the day: Have you ever tasted a rice ball in your life? (Describe to me how it tasted like) 

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