
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

(Lost Boy) writing in chill time.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back again to my blog, So in this blog post I will show you my writing in my chill time.

I will explain what we do in chill time. In chill time we can had three different option we can read, write and relax and also be quite because it's chill time. You have to imagine that you are in a library so it can be quite. 

So in chill time I chose writing and I wrote about this boy getting lots in the forest and a creatures freak him out. 

Here is my story about the lost boy:

😨😨The Lost Boy!!!😨😨
I was in the dark creepy forest puffing so loud because I was followed by an enormous creature.

The trees were different it had green stem and brown lives.

My heart was beating so fast like a cheetah, my lips were dry, I can’t feel my legs, my arms and my ears were super red.

I had lots of bruises and wound all over my body.

I heard lots of noise from the trees and in the bushes.

Suddenly I heard a roar sound just like fifteen metres away from me near the bushes.

I saw footprints facing in my direction it look like, it had small tiny foot. It looks it had three claws on its foot.

So I followed the footprints, when I was walking to the footprints. I heard lots of creepy noises, I was creep out I was shaking so bad like I feel that I was in Antarctica. It made me have goosebumps.

Thank you everyone for reading my blog post. Make sure to comment and what you thought about my writing. See Yah!!!

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