
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Our first game of winter sport


Everyone welcome back to my blog. Today I talk about our first winter sport. 

There are 4 sports in winter sorts and it is football, netball, hockey and rugby. 

For winter sport I played football because I used to play football but then I liked basketball.

There are two teams in football, hockey, rugby, and on netball they have four teams.

We had two teams in our football team there are Hornets and Hurricane. I was in the hurricane team with my friend.

We were versing south Hornby for football.

We did amazing in our first game of football. We scored 7 goals and south Hornby had 1 goal. My friend scored 6 and I scored 1 goal. 

But the bad thing happened is I got injured. I got hit on the face, on my thigh and kicked with the football boots on the foot. 

Here is some pictures: Image result for football Messi

Image result for netball

Image result for hockey

Image result for rugby

Thank you for reading my blog. Make sure to comment on my blog. BYE


  1. Good evening Shadrach.I like the way you have set out your blog.I like that you have used paragraphs for your work.Well done to you and your team for winning your game.I'm sorry that you got hurt playing.I guess that's one of the consequences to playing a game.I wish you all the best for your future games.

    1. Hi,

      Mrs Cassidy Thank you for reading my blog post. Thank you for commenting and saying positive stuff to my learning. It's all wright Mrs Cassidy I' am alright now. That is wright Mrs Cassidy when your playing sports you can get injuries and that is one of the consequence of playing sports.

  2. Good morning Shadrach.Thank you for the kind words.I look forward to reading more of your amazing posts.Have a great day.

    1. Talofa Lava Mrs Cassidy,

      It's alright because I always say positive stuff when people comments on my blog. Because they comment on my blog when I said so. BYE:).


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