
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Life Education Trust (Harold challenge)


laddies and gentleman Welcome back to my blog. Today I will show you what I have done for my Harold challenge that our teacher made for us.

The girl who teaches us was Siobhan 

So in the question of our Harold challenge were the things that we learnt from Life Education Trust. 

So in Harold we learnt about what is a boss and a leader. A leader is the one who helps their group and communicate with them. And a boss is the one who point to the direction and doesn't help the group. And then we watch two short films about aliens were all about the same and a boy kicks a soccer ball and fell over. Then his friend put it online and lots of people comment negative stuff.

After that we chose what are self like their were Lance the Lion, chewy the Beaver, giggle the otter and the golden retriever.

Lance the lion was Bossy, confident and loud. Then the chewy the Beaver was Honest, clever and perseverance. A golden retriever always listen, helpful and kind.  

We had two answer what we were like so I was a mix of a golden Retriever and a Otter. 

And then we picked three words that describe our self from the wall that had words on it.  

Also we had to know the meaning of a by stander and a up stander. 

An up stander is someone who fix the problems and a bystander is someone who doesn't care when someone is fighting. 

Image result for Life education trust
Here is my Harold challenge:

Hope you enjoyed my blog post. Make sure to leave a comment. 


  1. Hi Shadrach,
    I like your colors that you did on your blog post. It looks good when I look at your work. I am a lion what one are you Shadrach? You did a lot of writing Shadrach.

    1. Hello,

      Olivia Thank you for commenting on my blog. I am really working for adding picture in my blog to let people comment on it straight away.

      I'm a mix of a Otter and a golden retriever.

      Thank you Olivia.(:

  2. Hi,

    Olivia thank you for replying back to my blog but I don't know what you mean. Why did you say that is okay Shadrach?

    Okay thanks BYE.


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