
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Breaking our project of sedimentary rocks!!!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, on this blog post I will show you about breaking our sedimentary rocks outside our class, and tell you about sedimentary rocks.

We are learning about Minerals and rocks - earth science 
Sedimentary rocks are soft, can have more than one layer and sedimentary rocks turns into metamorphic rock through heat and pressure. 

When I took out my sedimentary rocks out of my container. I saw lots of colour and patterns that the rocks and the shells made. I also barely saw the different colour of the sedimentary rocks layer. 

The layers aren't really made out of minerals, it was just food colouring and then the flour mix with sand and mixed it with water. 

When I was breaking my sedimentary rocks bits and pieces breaks and fall out. "It really made a big mess. When I was touching my sedimentary rock it was very floury. 

We also had a partner to help us video us when breaking the sedimentary rocks. 

Here is my video and my partner video:

I hope you enjoyed my blog post, Make sure to leave a comment. BYE:)

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