
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Room 6's special assembly!

Talofa Lava everyone, happy Samoan language week, and welcome back to my blog. 

We had our assembly last week on Friday.  It was a special assembly and the best assembly that we done. Because our classroom designed it together as a class with our knowledge to get ideas.

We made a play about our first day in High school because we are going to high school next year. There are an antagonist and a protagonist in the story. Protagonist means the good guy/ main character and the antagonist is a bad guy/ villain. 

The part that I liked in the story was when the protagonist spoiled water all over her shirt. Then the antagonist said bad stuff to her and pushed her. Then another protagonist came and she was being an up stander and help her out. 

We also did a speech to our sport manager teacher because. She spent all of her lunchtime and her morning tea for giving out uniform. And we gave a pack of her favourite coffee.

Here is our assembly slide:

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post. Make sure to comment on my blog.(:

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