
Monday, May 20, 2019

Basketball Friday night! (Rams vs Sharks)

Hi everyone, 

So me and my family wen't to a basketball competition, it was Rams vs the Sharks. 

I saw lots of my best friends that is in my school and one of my teacher aid that came to watch. 

The rams were raft at the first half because they kept missing their shots. But in all the half time they managed to come back and beat the sharks. 

The score was I think 75 and 35 the Rams had 75 points and the sharks had 35 points.(Yay the Rams win!!!

And the things that we got lucky to do is to speak on the mic and say LET"S GO RAMS. 

Me and my friends keep shouting "LETS GO RAMS" and "DEFEND". My voice and my friends voice was almost gone we felt like were going to vomit. But we went down stairs and drink water. 
Image result for Rams vs Sharks

Hope you had a great day and make sure to leave a comment down bellow. Thank you that will help my learning. (:

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