
Thursday, May 16, 2019

We visit Hornby High school. (Only year 6s)

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, On May 12 we went to visit high school but it was only year 6s people, 

They were are school, Wigram primary school, Yaldhurst school and south hornby school. 

We went to all the area but not the new building because is still under contractions. But we saw the cafeteria, library and the gym. 

The first thing that we did is visit the year 7s and 8 classroom. Then after that we did an experiment in the science lab. The science teacher did an experiment about putting a chemical into the Bunsen and burner then it light on because he turn off the Bunsen burner. 

And then after we did an experiment we look at geology area. 

After we look at the geology part it was the exciting part but it is a little scary. It was a electric box. So my two brave classmate holds the wire then if we connected our hands it gives a little shocks. But if we realise our hands it won't work. And when the scientist teacher spins it faster it hurts more. 

And the last sessition was in the gym playing ball tag rush. He explained the rules, the rules was when he called aomething for example like if your wearing red shoes you have to run. And they are four tagers. When you hit the player they are in with us. And when you trow the ball it has to be bellow the waist. 

Image result for Science

Thank you everyone for reading my blog post. Make sure to comment on my blog please. Thank you.(:

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