
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Deadliest animals in the world!

G, day readers,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will show you my presentation of the top 10 deadliest animals.

So this is the 2 day of lockdown and I chose another task to do. So my task was to choose any theme I want and then make a list of 10 and rank them from 10 to 1. And then w had some example then I got inspired by the dangerous snakes. We can choose anyhow to present it. My presentation is on a google doc.

This task was okay because I learnt some new facts and deadliest animals. But it was very hard to research them, so I put all my knowledge to gain ideas to search. But then I felt very awesome when I finished the task.

Here is my work:
Deadliest animal

  1. Tsetse Fly (Tsetse fly are very dangerous because it can cost diseases to humans and humans can get sleeping sickness). The tsetse fly is active during the hottest part of the day. 

10. Hippopotamus (They kill humans by eating them with their very sharp teeth or flatting humans with their heavy bodies). An adult hippopotamus needs to resurface every 3 – 5mins to breathe.

9. Mosquito (They cause diseases to humans by bacterias and viruses). The mosquito has killed over one million deaths. 

8. Cape buffalo (It’s very smart with its movement waiting for the perfect moment to tear apart its opponents with its humungous horns). 

7. Cone snails (They are very powerful enough to kill humans by using their venom harpoon called toxoglossan radula). They like prey such as marine worms, small fish, molluscs and even other cone snails. 

6. Golden Poison Frog (It affects humans heart which leads them to heart failure or fibrillation). Golden Poison frog is the most toxic animals on earth, a single specimen measuring two inches has enough venom to kill a grown man. 

5. Box jellyfish (Deadliest toxin in the world, which contain humans attacking heart, nervous system and skin cells). Box jellyfish lives in Northern Australia and sometimes come close to its ocean shore. 

4. Pufferfish (Puperfish is deadly because of toxin because of their bacteria from the animals they eat) their toxins called tetrodotoxin, a substance make them taste them bad. 

3. Black mamba (Black mamba kills human with their deadly venom, they instantly kill people when 45 minutes or less is passed). Black mambas are also the fastest snakes in the world, slithering with a speed of 12.5 miles per hour. 

2. Saltwater crocodile (Saltwater crocodile are also dangerous because they kill people by getting infected of their teeth). Saltwater crocodiles are the largest crocodile species in the world and the largest reptile in the world. 

1. Tsetse Fly (Tsetse fly are very dangerous because it can cost diseases to humans and humans can get sleeping sickness). The tsetse fly is active during the hottest part of the day. 

Please leave a comment if you want to share anything to have feedback on my work.

Question of the day: What do you think the deadliest animal?

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