
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Writing a book review!

Hi bloggers,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will show you what we have been doing since the coronavirus going over the world. Our school have been shut down for 2 weeks because tomorrow we are at level 4. So that means we still have to study at home.

So I picked this activity because it looked interesting. So my task was to answer all the following questions from the challenge. It needs to be very quality and detailed and also to extend my sentence

This activity was really fun to do and very challenging because of how i extend my answer.

Here is my work:
The title and the author of your book? I would choose the book name Dragon Knight Barbarians version. And the Author is Kyle Mewburn.

Why you selected the novel. I selected this novel because you learn new words from the book and it’s not a thick page when the words are super small. The characters are funny because of how they act. And it also has a different version of the book. And its a picture book with amazing drawing/ details on it. I choose this book cause sometimes the protagonist characters did something wrong and something right. And the book is very interesting because they tell how they feel in the house and what interesting things do the characters have. Last of all the book has its own map.

What did you think about it overall? Overall this book is super amazing and unbelievable. Because of the details they put in this book. Very enthusiastic funny and disgusting. When I say disgusting is because they put amazing descriptive words.

What was your favourite part? My favourite part was when Breena and Merek were hanging on a rope because they fell for the trap and then when Merek dragon came and save him from falling and almost getting killed by the barbarians. And when the dragon blew fire out of his mouth and wipe out all the disgusting barbarians.

Who were the characters? The characters were Lord Crumble, Master Percy Crumble(Lord Crumble’s spoilt son), Merek(Shapeshifting Dragon boy, Breena and Brin, Barbarian chiefs, Sir Bragalot (The most famous knight in the land).
Would you recommend this book and who do you think would enjoy it? I strongly recommend this book for year 6 students. I think they would enjoy it because of the funny scenes, descriptive words and beautiful details. And they would also enjoy this because of how each character acts.

  • please forget to leave a comment and make sure that is positive, thoughtful and helpful.

Question of the day: What is your favourite book? (Why?)


  1. Hey Shadrach,
    So great to see you continuing your learning. I really like your description at the start because it tells me what I can expect from the rest of the post. You have answered in complete sentences which is fantastic - Just remember when copying from a doc into a blog the best options are either screenshot or paste using control SHIFT v. At the moment your words are running over the page which makes it pretty hard to read. If you could fix this and then let me know that would be super !
    Keep up the great work,
    Miss Morgan

    1. Hi Miss Morgan,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog. And thank you for your tip for letting me know my mistake. "Thank you very much"

      Make sure to always stay clean and stay safe!


T​ o support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question