
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Kowhaiwhai patterns!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. So in art we have been making Kowhaiwhai patterns. I am going to share you my finish work of my Kowhaiwhai patters.

Kowhaiwhai patters are beautiful patterns with amazing shapes and colours.

We had Aroha, Whakapono and Tumanaako. Aroha means love, Whakapono means faith and trust and tumanaako is hope. I picked aroha because it's a special word for me. And we had to choose from an a4 piece of paper or an a3 paper. I choosed a4 because i'm not a good artist. Also we can only use black and red colours.

Here is my finish work:

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post!

Question of the day: How you done Kowhaiwhai patters?

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