
Sunday, March 1, 2020

My Weekend!

Welcome back viewers,

So for today blog post is me going to share my weekend story. As you guys don't know I have another baby brother and was raised this year. His name is Zayne and he is a citizenship here in New Zealand. His already past one month so we decided to bond and walk around our streets.

I was biking, my brother was pushing the pram and our parents were chatting while walking. My little brother fell asleep in the pram so we had to be quite. As we stopped in our destination I asked my brother "can I have a turn pushing the pram"? And he said "No. We were arguing as we were walking because my brother didn't let me have a turn. I felt like a volcano interrupting with magma dripping down my body. I realised something and bet it to my brother. When I said my bet he gave me the pram to me. And I gave my bike to my dad, but then he was still holding the pram at the front. I kept telling him to take his hands off but he didn't listen. He was like the most annoying person in the world.  But then as we were going to cross the street my dad wanted to push the pram I gave it to him and swapped with my bike again so me and my brother don't argue anymore.
Image result for bonding with family cartoon

Hope you guys like my story don't forget to leave a comment.

Question of the day: What did you guys do in the weekend?

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