
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Maths! Mean, Median, Range and Mode

Hello guys,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will show you what we have been doing in maths this term.

So in maths we have been learning an interesting topic, but I don't really know what you call the topic. But I just call it Mean, Median, Range and Mode. Our task was to choose 4 to 6 people in a group and calculate it with our sprints data.

What does Mean, Median, Range and mode mean:
Mean is when you plus all you numeracy together and divide it by 6's.
Median is when you cross the lowest number and the highest, plus the second lowest and the second highest and then divide them by 2's
Range is a different elementary arithmetic because it's takeaways, you cross the lowest number and the highest, take away the second highest and lowest.
Mode is the easiest one to do. You just have to find a numeracy matching together.

Here is my work:
Sprints time!

Mean, 7+7+18+22=54÷6=9

Median, 7,7,18,22=25÷2= 12.5

Range, 7+7+18+22=18-7=16

Mode, =7

Mean, 5+6+15+17=43÷6=42.5

Median, 5,6,15,17=22÷2=11

Range, 5+6+15+17=15-6=9

Mode, 5,6,15,17= no mode

Mean, 5+6+14+15=40÷6= 6r4

Median, 5,6,14,15=20÷2=10

Range, 5+6+14+15=14-6=8

Mode, 5,6,14,15= no mode

Mean, 5+7+13+15= 40÷6=6r4

Median, 5,7,13,15= 20÷2=10

Range, 5+7+13+15=13-7=6

Mode, 5,7,13,15=no mode

Thank you so much for always supporting my blog, but make sure to comment when your interested. 

Question of the day? What is your favourite from out of Mean, Median, Range and Mode definition?

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