
Monday, March 16, 2020

Competitive Athletics (2020)

Hello readers, 

Welcome back to my blog. I know this is a late blog post but I wasn't thinking about it. In today's blog post I will share you my story of competitive athletics. 

So in athletics, something bad happened to me. When I was doing my first activity which was a long jump I felt my thigh muscles and it was in pain. But I tried my best to do the activity. I also tried my best at all the activities but skipped the 60 metres run. But discus and shotput were really amazing stats it made me proud and I keep telling my self 'never give up'. But on the high jump, I can't pull my leg up because of the pain I had. But we had sausage and sizzles and snacks but it wasn't free. 

But in the end I enjoyed athletics and very proud of myself. But mark my words 'NEVER GIVE UP', even when someone is letting you down

Image result for long jump cartoon

Image result for high jump cartoon

Image result for sprints cartoon athletcis

Image result for discus cartoon images

Please leave a comment that is positive, helpful and thoughtful. 

Question of the day: What is your favourite athletics activity? (Why?)

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