
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Creatures (Activity six) Pt.3

Hi everyone,

Welcome back again for another activity for winter learning journey, you guys might be confused about my title. I picked activity six but this is part three. 

I was really excited to do this activity maybe this is my favourite activity to do. I was really giggling when I saw lots of these these pictures. 

So the challenge was Create a new animal by merging two animals together. if you don't know what does merging means, it means combining things together to form something in a really good combination but sometimes ugly. 

My answer was a cheetah and merging a kangaroo together because a cheetah is extremely speedy and a kangaroo can jump and it can fight and defence its self. It really looks cool when I show you the picture. 

Here is the picture of my merging together:Image result for kangaroo and a cheetah

Please don't hesitate a comment. 

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