
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Creatures (Activity one) Pt.1

Hi guys,

At school we have a challenge to do for our holiday for two weeks so our learning keeps going up not down.  And if we get bored in the holidays, and don't know what to do we could just do this challenge.

The activity is called creatures and is for winter learning journey.

And who ever gets the most points for completing their activity gets to win a mystery prize. So I really want to win and create more quality blog post.

So the challenge that I picked was choose any animal in the whole world and it can be a mythical creature. And had to tell why we choose that animal, and adding an illustration.

Anyways my favourite animal is a horse because. They are easy to look after, they are very fun to play with, playful, also they are enthusiastic and you can ride them. My illustration Marguerite Henry, and the story is Treasury of horses.

Did you know that horse have 205 bones almost as the same us humans!!!

Image result for treasury of horses
Image result for muscle horse
I hope you enjoyed my blog post of my part one creatures winter learning journey. Make sure to leave a comment.(:

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