
Sunday, July 28, 2019

My Descriptive writing (hotspot)!

Hi everyone,

Are W.A.L.T for writing is to describe starting with "The".

We had to write five describing sentences that related to the picture. That's why we had to start with "The". If you notice why there is yellow highlights that means we had to fix the word, because the word is too simple. So that was my next step that my teacher gave me.

Here is my writing:

Find five things related to the senses to describe in this image. Start each one with ‘The…’
  1. The clouds faded into very dark and foggy with white on the inside.
  2. The thunder sounded terrifying with roaring sounds and made the water splashed. 
  3. The lightning shined with super bright and white colours with roots at the side of it. 
  4.  The lightning burst different shapes and goes to different directions, angles. 
The ocean smelled terrible and laid lots of smoke on the water.

Please always remember to leave a comment if you enjoy.(:

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