
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I got picked in the Kete card draw.


Welcome back to my amazing blog in school in are class I got picked in the Kete card. A Kete card is when you are respecting playing fair responsible and listening. You just have to put your name in and put the date and your classroom number. It can only be two people that can get picked. After two people get picked you can get a prize there were plenty of prizes and stuff that is amazing. Then the teacher will mix it up and she can pick one person and pull a Kete card. We do it at Fridays and after one week on Friday we do a draw again but this time it was only Tuesday.  The Kete card means you respect other, respects the environment and respecting your self. I got a calculator that says Hornby Primary School and a pen that says Hornby Primary School Christchurch.

here it is

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