
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My 2019 goal.

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog again today I will show you what is my 2019 goal that my teacher gave to me. It means like what is my Literacy Goal, Numeracy Goal, Social Goal and things I am interested at. I will show it to you guys my 2019 goal.

Image result for 2019 goal
Literacy Goal:
Reading I am learning to use a range of strategies to develop my comprehension of a text. 
Writing I am learning to write in the correct tense and extend my ideas by describing using the five sense and emotions. 

Numeracy Goal:
I am learning to carefully interpret word problems and solve multi-step problems by applying the right strategy. 

Social Goal:
When someone says or does something I don't like I will try to tell them confidently and firmly what it is that annoys me.

Things I am interested a:
Sports, Maths and science Experiments.

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