
Monday, February 11, 2019

What I did in the weekend

welcome back to my blog today i'm going write about what I did in my weekend I hope you had a good weekend.

Image result for transformers
I went to the movie theatre to watch bumble bee cause my dad want to watch bumble bee. We went to buy some chips in the grocery store and some popcorn, mcfloat and ice cream.  The chair can has a remote so you can lay down and put your foot out and massage your bodies so you can relax your body. I was enjoying the movie I think its my second favourite movie that I watched in the movie theatre. My favourite part in the movie was when Bumble bee was in action and killed sting ray and her partner. Sting ray partner was a robot that can turn to a helicopter and to a car. Bumble bee killed him because he had a chain and stuck him and pulled it and all the pieces of him was gone and wrecked. Stingray she can transform to a jet and a car. Bumble bee killed stingray from the flood because he made a whole on the military base with some ship inside and water that how she got killed. The sad part was when Bumble bee was leaving to earth because the auto bots need him which is Optimus prime their leader. The auto bots betrayed the mega tron because the auto bots want to protect people in earth. Th story was a girl needed a car and she had a birthday put their parents didn't bought her one. So her grandpa has a car so she got one from her grandpa when she it was from her garage she got shocked because it was a robot which is bumble bee. Then she fall in love with a boy that is a nerd.

I hope you guys enjoyed my story make sure to comment helpful, thoughtful and positive don't be shy:)

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