
Friday, February 15, 2019

Stop Motion!


Welcome back to my amazing blog in class we have been using creative tools which is our class site. I choose stop motion there were multiple of stuff that you can use. We were making a stop motion about putting the rubbish in the rubbish bin. We had to use Lego to make are stop motion. Also we needed partner it can be two or three. My partners were Luke and Truby. 

What materials you need to use.

1. You need to have a Lego platform.

2. You  need two Lego man.

3. You need glue tack to stick it on the platform so it doesn't move.

4. A bottle or a paint bottle that you don't need anymore or you don't use it anymore.

Here is what we made.(:

Don't be shy to comment on my blog you can give me some ideas thank you.(:

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