
Thursday, February 7, 2019

My made up story.

Guys welcome back to my blog I have some writing for you that you may read and it's up to 1/4 pages. Its a very long story about bad whether in England and having a storm.

Here is the story

In England their was a terrible terrifying weather storm. First it suddenly rained it was not normal rain it was heavy and hailing. With strong wind, it can damage houses and knocked a big tree down. when you go outside the wind will push you. Couple seconds later it stop then there was a loud thundering noise it sounded like a cannon shooting. The sky was full of black cloud, there was no sun shine at all. Unfortunately forecast said it was all right now there will be no storm coming. But as soon as the thunder stop I peaked out in the window. Buildings, houses and trees were all demolished. The tornado was digging out some dirt from the ground. It was tall like the tallest building in the world in Dubai. When I looked at the tornado I cant even see it, It was up to the sky. There were this one tiny house that a tornado destroyed the roof of the house. The tornado was digging up some concrete. The tornado lifts up a mansion, houses cars and trucks. The tornado break stop light and street light. It was bed time so I had to go sleep I realised that my bed was shaking. So that there was an earthquake the whole house was shaking then I heard some glass broke and plate cracked. I didn't sleep well. The light bulb shattered and cracked so I had not light and no flashlight all my technology broke even my phone that has a flashlight on it broke. I was feeling cold in the morning I didn't have wanzie and I was not cozzy I brush my teeth in the morning. When I was a bout to brush my teeth I heard a big splashing noise I went outside outside and there was a tsunami it broke buildings window and houses the inside of the house was flooded even buildings and street. Then it was getting a bit sunny outside and no more heavy rain and creepy sounds.

Hope you enjoyed my writing don't be shy to comment on my blog.


  1. Hi shadrach,
    Wow it seems like it would had been very flooded in England. I wounder if that had ever happened in New Zealand in history? What would you do if you were in a country that had that kind of weather? keep doing work like this and you will get far in you life you might become a writer one day. keep up the good work. (:

  2. Hi,
    Quaid thank you so much for commenting helpful, thoughtful and positive comments. I hope This storm doesn't happened to New Zealand and other countries. I would go in safe places and in a shelter ,have food cans, some blanket to sleep with and close up the window, locked all the doors and have water.
    "Thanks for your feedback Quaid":)


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