
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Last game of basketball! ):

Hello everyone,

So you have notice that my this is my last basketball game which is sad because it is my favourite sport.

Last friday we had another basketball match and I was so nervous because if we win this last game we will came third and if we loose we will be fourth place. But we were versing Hillview girls which beat us last time but this time we will versus them again. They were powerful and strong. But guess what happened we won our last game against Hillview girls. I was proud of my team because they improve so much and help me. The points were thirty and eighteen we had thirty and the opponents had eighteen. I was really happy because we were better player then before because we improve to a high level. Congratulation to my team we cam third!(:

Thank you my team for winning this game and playing with out you guys our team will loose.

Please leave a comment if you enjoyed the story of our last game.


  1. Very well. Congratulations again team Hornby Heats. Last game is a very crucial games for getting who will become the 3rd place and who will become a 4th place. But they said the ball is round. So my every one so excited and feel nervous even in the side of your opponents. But i really believe you can thrust each other so you can get the winning ball of your last game. Again congratulation to everyone of you and also the head coach Mrs. Scott she is very clever in the strategy. I would like to thanks also to Hillview girls for the nice game. Cannot wait to watch you again guys in the next season in your junior highschool... Let's go Hornby.. Let's goooooo....... :)

    1. Kia ora Dad,

      thank you again for commenting in my blog I really appreciate your feedback about our last game of basketball. My team wouldn't won with communication and team work. Also thank you for saying positive stuff about my coach. Please comment again in my blog because I would like eto hear your feedback.

      Kind regards shadrach!


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