
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hyperbole Poem!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will show you another hyperbole writing except it is only a poem.

We had  a few options to write about in our poems: sport, lunchbox and season. I picked lunchbox to write my hyperbole poem about. We had to have seven sentences in our poem about hyperbole. Also we added a picture into our table in our document, so we know what our topic is about. The  table that I am talking about, is one that my teacher set up to make our writing tidy. And do you know what a hyperbole is? It is when someone or you are overly dramatic and saying lies and not true.

Here is my hyperbole poem:
My hyperbole poem writing

Hope you enjoyed my blog post make sure to leave a comment. 


  1. Hi Shadrach. I love the hyperboles you have used. I'm pleased this is your lunch box, not mine. Good luck eating the banana! There are a few grammatical errors in your writing that I would like to work with you on please. Lucky for you I am in your class for the next two weeks! Regards from your favourite teacher aide!

    1. Hello Keri,

      My favourite teacher aid. I have notice that in your first sentence that you write is a very funny joke. It make me die in laughter. Thank you for commenting back in my blog and looking for my wrong grammars. Also thank you for helping me and fixing my mistake in my writing.

      Which sentence of hyperbole do you like in my writing?

      My favourite one is the sixth sentence which says "It had a sushi that smelled saltier than the beach. Hope you come to my class tomorrow again so you can help me with my learning.

      Regards from your favourite student: Shadrach AKA Shaq.


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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question