
Sunday, September 1, 2019

Winter sport Football (last game)

Hallo fellow blogers,

So in this blog post I will talk about how well we went in our last game of winter sport.

The team that we were versing was the other Honby team and their name is hornets. Our coach was refereeing to our game. And it was our baddest game of the season because we lost and the score was five and six. We scored five goals and they scored six goals. Their were arguments that we had in our last game which was pretty bad. But it was still fun because we scored some goals.

We had to work on paying attention because two players in our team wasn't paying attention that is why we lost.

Please leave a comment if you like my blog post!(:


  1. Hi Shadrach,

    Thanks for sharing about your winter sports day. I'm sorry it wasn't as fabulous as you might have hoped. However, you have shown your fabulous character by noticing what your team could do better next time. I hope you enjoyed playing football over the winter and will keep playing with your friends at school.
    Keep up the great blogging,
    Miss D

  2. Malo e lelei,

    Miss D thank you for the feedback that you gave to me about blogging my winter sport. I'm sorry to my team for letting them down I was really disapointed to my self. But I wasn't disappointed to my team, my team did a great job of not giving up and keep scoring goals. I was really proud to my teammates.

    Thank you Miss D for commenting on my blog post.


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