
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hotspot writing doc week 6 (insparation writing)

Ciao (Hi) everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will show you my hotspot doc writing. In this hotspot doc writing there are twists. 

We had to write something that was inspired by the picture that my teacher inserted. You can write anything about the picture that you can think of, using your own imagination. The challenge that we had was to highlight your descriptive sentence in blue. Highlight your strongest vocabulary in yellow. And then the last task was to check your full stops and capitals were in the right places and the right use. 

Here is my work:

In the history of 1889 three aliens were trying to make the Earth their planet. They landed on the burning hot sun, there were ashes everywhere. They were wearing indestructible armour with belts around their bodies, so that they won’t die when a sniper bullet hits them. And one of them was wearing a cape on it’s back. All of them had impenetrable helmets. And the leader who was in the front was wearing golden armour boots and a helmet. They were carrying large, light guns. When it shoots, it blasts out flames and it looks like a volcano that has erupted. And when the aliens shot their guns, bullets were poisonous and slowly killed  the people who were on the sun.

 The aliens set up a strategic plan to make the Sun disappear from  Earth’s atmosphere. So they’d put explosive bombs all over the sun. As they’d finished putting all the bombs onto the sun, they had something from their belt that explodes all of the bombs. But then this happened…

The Sun was bubbling like water in a rice cooker, it sucked and melted all the bombs that the aliens placed onto the Sun. It sounded like a thousand people slurping noodles and it echoed. The aliens were allergic to echoes so they expanded and exploded, dying immediately with lots of slimy, gooey, green blood on the surface of the Sun!

Please leave a comment if you enjoyed my writing. 

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