
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Reading Project DLO!

Hola readers,

So we had another challenge at school in our reading group, if you are wondering what's our reading group it is Saturn. 

Our challenge was to make a DLO about what you think having to lie and interview each other and someone. And tell what is the book about, by the way the book that we our reading is The Giver. And we had to have our own opinion about having to lie. So me and my partner "Luke" decided that we our going to make our DLO on Imovie on the I mac. We had some help to edit and help with our interview. 

Also tell me your opinion about having to lie in the comments down below if you have some time. 

Here is our DLO:

Please leave a comment if you liked our video, and make sure to comment positive, helpful and thoughtful words. 


  1. Hey Shadrach,
    I was so excited to receive your email! I love it when I get asked to look at blogs! I love the detail you have put into your explanation of what your learning was about. I think that telling a lie is really bad and should be avoided. Honesty is really important. When I went to look at your video unfortunately the sharing permissions are set as I need to ask for permission. Could you please change that and then reply to this comment and I will come back and have another look. What happened in the book that made them lie?
    - Miss Morgan

  2. Malo e lelei,

    Miss Mordan thank you for commenting on my blog and thank you for saying positive stuff. Thank you for saying your opinion that I asked you in my blog. But I am sorry for not letting you have permission because there is a problem. But it is set do that anyone can view but here is the link:

    Kind regards Shadrach

  3. Kumusta Shadrack, it is me Angel. I like how you used a clear voice. it reminded me of learning how to make a video like that video. Next time you could tell people how to make the video. What did you like about it?-Angel

    1. Kia, ora,

      Angel Thank you for your feedback about my blog post. Thank you for your kind next step about. I really like the interviewing part in our video. But I am sorry for not adding how to make the video because it has a it of steps. What is your favourite part about the video?

      Kind Regards Shadrach


T​ o support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question