
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Doing chore at the backyard with my brother!

Hi there bloggers,

Today I will talk about the chores that me and my brother did at the backyard. So my Dad gave me and my brother a task to do in the backyard, because he already moan the lawn. Our task was to raked the left over grass. And then create a pile of it. By the way My job was to scoop all the grass that my brother created in a pile and my brother's job was to raked all the left over gases. 

Here are couple picture me doing the chores:

Please leave a comment and don't be scared to ask me any question down below. Have you ever did chores at the backyard?


  1. Hi Shad.
    This is a good blog post and it is cool that you and your brother did a different job so it would be faster. Yes I have done a chore in the back yard with my little sister we had to pick up some pears. Have you any chores inside your house?
    Kind regards

    1. Kia, ora Luke,

      Thank you for replying on my blog. Thanks for the positive stuff that you said. And yes you are right it was faster to do different jobs rather than stick with one job. Thank you for answering my question. Well yes I have done chores inside our my family's house plenty of times. We had to vacuum the carpet and clean the window because our landlord will come.

      Kind Regards Shadrach


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