
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Food Activity (18) how to make something!

Kamuusta readers,

Welcome back to my blog. I have another exciting activity that I want to show you, and I will give you a clue it is a video. The activity that I'm going to show you is activity eighteen. And the challenge is, to pretend that you are a famous cook like, Nigela, Gordan Ramsey (No bad language though), Annabelle langbine, Naida Lim,(And make a screencasitify of your self teaching others how to do something simple like boiling an egg.

And my favourite cook is Gordan Ramsey but he swears a lot though. Tell me in the comment down bellow who is your favourite cook. 

Now this activity I wasn't sure about because I am not sure if you need to do it in real life or just tell it how to do it. So I decided that I would just screencasitify myself and tell you guys how to do it. I was telling you guys how to make scramble egg.

Here it is 

Please leave a comment if I did a great job explaining how to make scramble egg. 

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