
Monday, October 7, 2019

Food activity 10! (I invent a new recipe)

Hello awesome bloggers,
Today I will show you another pretty not hard and not easy activity. So the activity that I did today was activity ten. It says to invent a new food and create an advertisement for it. it could be a poster or a video. So today I will show you the food that I have invented. I decided to just do a poster and create it on google drawing. Guys just to mention that this is not real and it is not in any of the super market. Because this is just my invented food that I had in my brain so don't think about where you can get it. But I wish that a company would make this recipe.

Hope you guys enjoy my poster(:
Have a great day and I will see you on the next blog post, make sure to not forget your feedback(:


  1. Hello Shadrach!

    It's really interesting when you have that kind of drink. How could you squeeze something in to a bread?

    I hope you really enjoy the Spring Learning Journey!

    Kind Regards,

  2. Hi,

    Celine Thank you for commenting on my blog. Thank you for your feedback. I am really sorry if it doesn't make sense. But I mean the coffee is already inside the bread.

    Kind regard Shadrach!


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