
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Second last day of swimming!

Hi everyone,

I know that this is a swimming topic that I will blog about. I am sorry about not blogging about swimming because I am too busy. But anyways I will recap all the things that we did in swimming. First we had to do freestyles with a board, my process of freestyles is getting better each day. After that we still had to do freestyle but we needed to stop at the end of the pool lane. Our challenge was to get up on this tall wall and climb over it. It was so hard to get over that wall but my friend helped me. The technique of it is try to keep your hand close to your body and don't pull up your butt. And then the exciting part was we got to jump of the diving board. We had to dive safely, so we just needed to step our foot out and go down slowly. And the last part was to backstroke to the end and hope out of the pool.

Sorry guys I can't find any of my videos or picture that I got tooken of. I will try to look an eye of it.

Make sure to leave a comment down below. And tell me in the comment down below if your good at swimming.(:

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