
Thursday, October 31, 2019

My adventure at Groynes park! (Last Friday)

Talofa awesome readers, 

Today I will recap my story about my adventure to Groynes park. I know that this is a late post but I was busy. So last Friday me and my family and my Mum's co workmate gathered up in a big space and put the foods that we brang on the big plastic sheet. We had lots of foods like: KFC, (Adovo-filipino food), barbecue, chips and more foods. 

And then me and my friend (All boys) crossed the long bridge it was pretty scary because my friends keep jumping on it and it kept wiggling and bouncing. After we crossed the bridge, we played hide and seek. We only played it once because we thought of a good idea. We remembered that we can ride boats. We asked our parents and then they said yes we can ride the boats. Our plan was my brother and two boys ride on the pedal boat together. Me and my best friend ride on the aqua bike. We were getting ready and wear vest. Me and my best friend wait really long so we decided to go in the pedal boat. And the man said "If there is a Aqua bike we can swap on it". 

But then this happen, my  brother's friend wet us and then we started water fight. but then we stopped and planned to have a race. Me and my best friend beat them because there were three people in one pedal boat. But then me and my best friend decided to switched on the Aqua bike. We were unlucky because the Aqua bike was big so it was hard to pedal. Suddenly we were tired so we got off and came back to our place. And the last part we did was to eat. 
Image result for Groynes park
Image result for Groynes park
Image result for Groynes park playground
If you guys enjoy the big recap that I wrote make sure to leave a comment, because I see you guys viewing only not commenting):

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