
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Food activity 14 (Cool activity)

Tena koutou whakahoki mai ki taku blog. (Hello everyone welcome back to my blog)

Today I have another cool activity that I really want to show you guys. This activity is not just helping me it is helping other people too. The activity is number fourteen and it says comment on three other students blogs. Make sure you have used a greeting, a positive, a thoughtful, a helpful and a question! That means five sentence. I just copy and paste my writing.

Here is my feedback from three different people:

Hello Tom, 

This blog post is really interesting because your showing your progress to your blog. I see that you have been doing blog post a lot in June but not in the rest of the month. Maybe you could blog about your holiday or do the food activity so you can hep your learning and improve your blog. 

Did you add a goal for your blog progress?

Maybe next time you can re read your blog and fix your spelling. But keep the good work Tom I can't wait to read your blog again.

Kind regards Shadrach 

Kamusta Aaron,

I really like you blog post about Alliteration. I really like you alliteration it sound pretty disgusting but funny at the same time. This blog post is really catchy because you added a picture into it. My favourite is chocolate chicken, I wonder what it taste likes.

Which one is your favourite from your alliteration ?

Maybe next time you could explain what alliteration means.

Great job Aaron Keep working really hard and make sure to keep posting blog post.

Kia, ora Harmony,

You have been posting a lot of blog post this year. I like when you explain something in your blog post about your learning. I also like when you add a maths question into your blog post. My answer is 58.

Where did you get that Pokemon picture?

If you ran out of idea what you can post in your blog. You can post about your holiday or do the food activity that our teacher showed us. 

Keep doing the great word Harmony I really want to see more blog post.(:

Please leave a comment if you enjoy this activity. I would like to hear your feedback. 

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T​ o support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question