
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

(Food Activity 7), must read and see!

Namaste everyone,

I have another activity/challenge to show you guys, and it is very exciting. 

The challenge is number seven it say choose a country and research the food that hey eat. Create a presentation to share the information to your blog. The country that I picked is Indian because their food is really interesting to me. Indian has very yummy foods like rice and rice is my favourite. I also add a fun fact about Indian in my presentation. 

Here is my presentation:
Please leave a comment if enjoyed my presentation. Have a nice day(:


  1. Kia ora Shadrach.

    This is a very good blog post. there is one thing that I could find. Trust me I looked very hard. it is that you said Indianan not India but it is just a small mistake.

    Kind regards

  2. Hi Luke,

    Thank you for spotting out my mistake in my blog. Thank you for your advice I will promise I will re read my blog post, and fix my mistakes.(BYE)


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