
Thursday, November 14, 2019

(Character study of the Grump)

Kamusta viewers,

In this blog post I will show you the writing that we have done when are teacher wasn't there at school.

We were working on character study of the grump. We had a special word that spell spiles. S stand for social, P stand for physical, I stand for intellectual, L stand for language, E stand for emotion and S stand for spiritual. Our challenge was to write about the grump and include those special words.

It was fun doing this challenge because I have learnt something new and the key stuff to write about a character.

Here is my work:

S -Social

The grumps is socially evil, punish other people and always being angry. He is a loner and a useless person. He has a big stomach but tall body. He walks like a wobbly stuffed toy with a broken leg.  He looks really old. He physically wore suits that looks really strict. He has a cane to whip people out of his way. He has a hat that looks like a magician. He looks really old but has black hair. He is smart at beating up people and at writing. He speaks inappropriate language with an british accent. His emotions are sad when he doesn’t punish people but feels happy when hurt someone. His spiritual  doesn’t believes in god and doesn’t trust god. 

Please leave comment if you enjoy my blog post. Have you done this writing before?

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