
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Filipino bread - Money - Maths problem!

Hello bloggers,

We are learning to use place value, decimals and addition and subtraction to work out money problems.

Our task was to explain our task on a DLO. I wanted to be more creative so I used powtoon for my DLO. It was really fun doing powtoon, but there's one thing that I hate was you can only have maximum twenty second in each slide.All the task for my maths is in my DLO are all explain

Powtoon is an amazing app if you are presenting something or making a video.

It was really fun to do this maths challenge because it was really challenging.  And it was hilarious because me and my partner keep repeating the same answer and going lower and over the problem. 

Here is the video:


Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post. Have you ever used powtoon before? Goodbye(:

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