
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Chore with my brother (Again)

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will talk about my story of doing chore with my brother.

So my hard working Dad moan the law again so he needed our help.

Our challenge was was to rake all the grass and put it in a pile. I was a bit cheeky because my job was easy I was picking up the grass and putting in a pile. And my brother's job was to rake all the grass into  a pile. I felt so bad about my brother because he was doing the hard job.

As me and my brother were doing our job, I hesitate because there was a green ball hanging on our tree. Then I told my brother, so he pulled it out and then suddenly eat it. So I tried it because it my brother said it was a fruit. When I first bite it it tasted to sour then I saw a brown almond inside it. Suddenly my mum came outside and saw us eat the fruit. My mum said not to eat it because you don't know what that is. But my brother said he wanted more because he saw that in our friend's backyard. So we kept doing our job, but then we were almost finish and then few minutes we finally finished our job, so we had a rest.

Image result for raking the grass cartoonImage result for raking the grass cartoon
Please leave a comment if you enjoy my story. Ask me any questions and I will reply on it! 

Question of the day: Have you ever done chore in the backyard?

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