
Sunday, November 17, 2019

The best weekend!

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. So in my weekend at Sunday I wen't to my best friends house. They invited me for a pool party.

First my friend wanted to show me to play on his computer. His room is very fantastic because he has two computer one for him and one for her sister. We played his favourite game and had lots of fun. After we had hours of playing it was time to swim in their pool. As I step into their big pool it was really cold. They had lots of water guns and googles in their pool to play with. As we were staying in the pool we felt the water is getting warm. Me, my best friend and my best friend sister played water fights with water guns. My best friend was cheating because he grabbed the hose. It was really cold now so we wen't inside.

After we swam in their pool it was time to eat lunch. Their food was amazing they had crispy pork. Then my best friend wanted to play on his computer again. But then me and his sister was getting board so we wen't in their trampoline. My best friend sister was talented because she can do a hand stand and she's young.

We went inside and then ate ice cream. Then last of all we came back inside and played with Gumbear the dog. He is a boy, he is really cute because when he turn on his back it means I can scratch it.

It was really fun going in my best friend house I wish I have does things that my best friend house at my house.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my long story of my weekend!

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