
Sunday, November 3, 2019

(Thursday) Exhausting day of athletics!

xin chào (Hello) awesome people,

Last Thursday we did athletics. We had few practice of athletics in our school and then it was our final day, because our sport teacher is choosing people who are going to zones. Our first rotation is at shot put for my grade (years six). James came 1st, Brooklyn came 2nd, Sam came 3rd I came 4th. Then our next rotation is at high jump I think Luke, Draved, Sam, and truby were first. Our third rotation is at sprints, I was first in the line and came third at 80 metres. And then we had to ran 60 metres but we ran out of time. Third to last rotation is long jump I forgot what place I was and who was first. After we finished long jump we had a break. Our next rotation is at discuss that was my favourite thing to do at athletics. Rocky came 1st and I came second. And lots of people came 3rd. The last rotation we had to go is at long distant. I forgot we came first and which place I'm was in but I really tried my personal best and I am proud of my self.

Image result for shot put cartoon

Image result for high jump cartoon

Image result for sprinting track cartoon

Image result for long jump cartoon

Related image

Image result for long distance sprinting cartoon

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