
Saturday, December 28, 2019

SLJ: (Day 4 Activity 1) Famous tennis players.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today's blog post will be another Summer Learning Journey activity. This topic will be famous tennis players.

The task was to: watch these videos about Serena and Venus Williams. I had to tell three things that you learned from watching these video, as well as one thing I would still like to know.

This activity was enjoyable because I learned about famous tennis player. I don't play tennis but I am interested at it. 

Here is my work:

One things that I still wan't to know is: What are they going to spend with millions of dollars?

Hope you learned something from my blog post. And make sure to leave a comment. 

Question of the day: What one thing would you buy if something is free?

Thursday, December 26, 2019

NZ Breakers vs.Phoenix

Welcome back to my blog.

Today this will be a different blog because it's about last week. So it started like this.

My wonderful sport teacher gave me ticket for the basketball game.

Me and my dad prepared for the game and brang bag with snack and drinking bottle with us. I was so hype about the game because it's my favourite sport.

As we wen't inside the arena we were confused where to go so we ask one of the employee. But then my friends called me and saw my sport teacher. We sat next to her and watched. I was voting for NZ Breakers. In the first quarter the Phoenix were leading by lots of points. But then few minutes they were catching up. Lots of people were cheering for NZ Breakers, and keep saying defence. When the first quarter ended my friends called me to sit next to them. Then I was hungry so I get a snack out of my bag. I shared it with my friends because sharing is caring. So it was second quarter and the NZ Breakers are wining then they had a timeout. Their were lots of singing dancing and chatting. Me and my friends were talking and laughing. Then it was third quarter so the game started. Me and my friends decided to buy something from downstairs. We bought ice cream and a hot dog for my friends uncle, because we used his money. When we came back to our seat the NZ Breakers were impressive because they were still winning. Then the third quarter finished and it was time for fourth quarter. In the mean time me and my friends were having a conversation and voting who would win. One of my friends were voting for Phoenix. At fourth quarter approximately three minutes the Pheonix were catching up. But the NZ Breakers won by four points. Congratulation NZ Breakers.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my story.

Question of the day: What is your favourite sport?

SLJ: (Day 3 Activity 3) Support!

Hi guys,

I am sorry for not making a bog post for Summer Learning Journey because me and my family are busy, Ill try to keep posting blog post.

The topic for this activity is to is supporting.

Our task was to: Choose a friend or a family member and ask them what their dream job would be. Then brainstorm six ways in which you could support them in achieving their dream job.

This activity was wonderful because it is about supporting someone for their dream achievement.

Here is my work:

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post. Make sure to have positive, helpful and thoughtful comment.

Question of the day: What is your dream job?

Monday, December 23, 2019

SLJ: (Day 3 Activity 2) Interview!

Namaste viewers, 

Welcome back to my blog. Today I have another incredible Summer Learning Journey activity. For this activity I am so excited about it because it's about interviewing famous people and it's one of my favourite sports. 

So the challenge for this activity is to: Imagine that I had a chance to interview nba players. I needed to tell what nba player I would interview. Then write a list of five question that I would like to ask the player. 

So I would like to interview Stephen curry because of his incredible shooting skills and ball handling. So these are the question that I would ask him:

  • What is your secret of shooting a basketball and the fundamentals of it?
  • How do you have such a good ball handling skills?
  • Do you have any celebration for the fans?
  • What would you do with you champion ship awards?
  • How do you keep making your team win? 

I hope you enjoy the Summer Learning Journey activity because I enjoy it. Make sure to comment.

question of the day: Who is your favourite nba player or from any sports and why?

Sunday, December 22, 2019

SLJ: (Day 3 Activity 1) Superpowers!

Hello everyone, 

Welcome back for another Summer Learning Journey activity. This topic is about superpowers. 

The task for this activity is to: Imagine that you could be a superhero for a day. List three superpowers, tell us why you have choose each one and tell us what are you going to do with them. 

The superpowers that I will choose is: Invisibility, Teleportation and Element of water. 

First I would talk about Invisibility. I want invisibility superpower because I can hide from anyone that is chasing me or I could play hide and seek with my friends or family and prank them. The second superpower I would talk about is Teleportation. It's really important to me for having teleportation superpower because it's easy to travel in different places rather than flying or driving vehicle. I would use that because I would wan't to go back in the Philippines and visit my family. And taste all the delicious foods. The last one is Element of water. I would chose that because it's really useful when your exhausted and dehydrated so I don't need to buy water, go back home and when I am just lazy. I would use that so when there is a fire emergency I could just wash ti off immediately. 

My favourite superpower is teleportation. 


 Goku teleportation
Image result for goku teleportation gif

I hope you guys liked my blog post of my Summer Learning Journey. Have a wonderful day!

Question of the day: Which superpowers is your favourite from my blog post or any superpower? (You would have it forever) 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

SLJ: (Day 2 Activity 3) Brave Man!

Ciao everyone, 

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I have another Summer Learning Journey activity to show you guys. 

For this activity the challenge is to: recount a time when you or someone you know did something brave. So I picked someone that did something brave in the Philippines and that was brave. His name is Dr Jose Rizal. To pronounce his name it's 'Doctor Ho-se Rizal'. He is really special. 

Doctor Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines. He fought from freedom with not making noises but in a powerful way. He showed his love for the Philippines through his novels, essays, article and poems that he wrote. He wrote those novels rather because he hate force of aggression. He was very humble to his personality. He used his intelligence, talents and skills in a for more peaceful way. Doctor Jose Rizal sacrificed death for peaceful, care and loving. And he was the one who led the Filipino to start a revolution against the Spanish Government to attain freedom and gain control of the Philippines.  

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post. I hope you learned something about Dr Jose Rizal because he is really important. 

Question of the day: Have you guys did something brave for someone?