
Sunday, December 8, 2019

EOTC week pt 5 (Orienteering and surfing in Sumner)

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. I this blog post I will tell you what happen in our last EOTC week. "I know that it's a late post, sorry"

We splited into groups, there was group one and group two. Group one was surfing fist and group to is going orienteering first. I was in group two so I was going to orienteering. If you guys don't know what  orienteering is, it's a sport which a runner needs to find numbers to win. It's basically like a scavenger hunt.

All the rules and the instruction was said. When you are orienteering you should not tell anyone if your by yourself. We all had a map to find the numbers which included clues. We had to press the clipper into our sheet of paper with the number of it. Also you need to have the map in the right place. So the game started

I looked at the map for clues and rushed to the bench. Their were lots of people rushing their too so I waited for them. As I press the clipper to my sheet of paper, I looked at the map again and sprinted to the nearest location. I claimed all the patterns of the clippers in the car park and the field. As I walked to the long filed of grass the time was almost over. The time stopped but I manage to collect one of the clipper pattern on the long grass. As we finished doing orienteering our prize was a candy cane. Then we had a break and played at the playground. It was our turn to do surfing but then we had to walk.

The walk was really far from Sumner but then it was tiring and exhausting. But then as we arrived at the Sumner I felt content.

First we had to do was change our clothes into swimming suit or a wetsuit if we had one. After we changed our clothes it was time to wear a wetsuit. The wetsuit were really challenging to wear. I can feel the wetsuit tight and really hot inside. We needed to wear a colourful suit so they know that it's a different school, The shirt that I was wearing was really massive for me.

We waited but when we were waiting it was a pain because the sand was hitting us on the face. After we waited and waited we had to wear a colour full shirt, so they know we are in a school. Then we choosed if were doing boogie boarding or surfing. Then we listened to the instruction for surfing and boogie boarding.

Then we got on the beach and got started. We had to tie the strip on our leg if were surfing and if were boogie boarding we had to tie it on our wrist. I was trying to get some waves and stand up on the surf board but then it was difficult. When there was a wave bashing into me it knocks me down and made me taste the salty water. Half way I couldn't stand up on the surfing board so I tried to use the boogie board. The boogie board was easy because you don't have to stand up. You could also do a race with the boogie boards with someone. But then we had to move to the side again because we were drifting.

The wind was blowing hard so the boogie board was blowing, so I coppied what the other guy was doing beside me. We had a race who can ran the fastest when the boogie board is blowing you.

It was fun doing surfing and boogie boarding in Sumner but the worst thing was tasting the salty water. And we were unlucky because we didn't get time to change to our mufti clothes.

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