
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

EOTC week pt 3 (Miitary day Godley heads and airforce museum)

Hello everyone,

This blog post will be about me recaping my journey in Godley heads and Airforce museum.

First we arrive at Godley heads and sid down on the grass in front of the Godley heads fences. The fences had barb wire because you can't go there anymore because it's fragile. So one of  the teacher explained the buildings behind the fences. The buildings were build there for the army because when there is a boat coming from a different country they can shoot at them and they can see where other enemies are.  And when a country tries to attack the base they can't attack it easily because of the building that they built.

There was a right side path that you can go and there were gigantic rocks. As your walking on the right side you can see the concrete were broken because of the earthquake. Then me and my friend walked to the right side of the path and as we were walking we can see a building that is old and broken. Shocked when me and my friends were at the bottom of the right path we saw lots of building. They were tunnels for the military to go or when there is an emergency.  Then when I turned to my left there was New Brighton beach. And then we had a walk around. The walking was really tiring because we had to go up but it wasn't making me tired, it was just making me have pain because I had high fever. I was coughing sneezing on the journey. As we were walking there was couple of building that we saw but I didn't get in because I was too lazy. And after we had a walk we drank some water and eat snacks.

After we wen't to Godley heads we wen't to the Airforce museum. When we arrive there we had to eat our lunch and listen to the instructions. It was spiting so we wen't on the side of the building where there was shelter. After we finished our lunch we gathered up and wen't to our group. As I stepped into the airforce museum building I saw lots of airplanes in front of me. And I can feel the cold air swooshing into my body.

Our challenge was to do a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was different and fun because we had to find the object of each of the alphabetic letters, for example: A- Airplane. First thing that I saw was the badges on a shield. I walked up stair to see some more cool things. I hesitate, because I found a room and I was interested in it. It was a room with a plane that you can control but you need to enter a code for it to work. But then I got board because I don't know the code for it, so I wen't on a different room. In the room that I entered was lots of pictures and poster about air planes. And there was a random blade hanging on the siling. But then I entered a building with a hi tech door. When I entered I wen't down on the right side of the stair. Suddenly I was amazed of how those planes were made. I saw lots of vehicle and statues inside.

Then I saw this cool thing where you can feel the weight of each piece that they add on planes. There was wood which is not that heavy, there was aluminum which was heavier than the wood lastly there was metal which was heavier than all of them. But then I saw this cool gun that they used in the war. It was a turret machine gun. And one of the parent helpers told us how they are used. Tall people used turret and strong people because if you imagine the gun vibrating on your shoulder it will give you bruises. I wen't to this room but I wasted my time because it was a dead end. But then when I was out of the boring room I saw something interesting. I saw a game that you can play. So basiclly to win the game you had to pup all the barrage balloons. If you wan't to go up raise both of your hand up, if you wann go down raise bot of you hand down, if you wan't to turn left bring your right arm up and put your left arm to the left, and you do the same thing for the right but opposite. Last thing that I saw was lots of military accessories, guns and missiles. I didn't finish my scavenger hunt but I think I did pretty well.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my recap of my journey in Godley heads and Airforce museum. 

Question of the day: Have you guys been on a war airplane? (I haven't, also tell my how it felt like.

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