
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Crazy things happen at school.

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will recap my story about the crazy thing happened at school.

So first we met up in the gym and surprisingly their were music playing. There was six boys playing instrument. All of them were dressed up as military suits. They were hilarious because they were wearing Christmas accessories.

Five of them were playing the brass instrument, one of them had a trombone, trumpet and one of them were playing the queen brass. And only one of them were playing the drums.

So first they introduced their selves and after that they started to play music. My classmates were so crazy they were so enthusiastic and hype. They were having lots of fun and singing along. And 'I was like nope I am not dancing'.

I am so impressed of the ban because they were playing the instrument outstanding and stunning I think that was the best band I have ever heard.

The only song that I can remembered that they played was Rudolph the red nose Randier and Frozen.

After that it was near morning tea, and we wen't in our class room and have free time on our Chromebooks. Then it was morning tea and all the classrooms met at the court.

We had numbers and I was the team captain of number five. The team captain job's was to count the points of the team that they were in.

The first activity we wen't is throwing the Frisbee. In each activity we had to battle against another team. My team was shocking they were a professional catching the Frisbee and throwing it. After that we switched on to another activity. Our next activity was skipping. Skipping was really fun we skipped two hundred and something. One of our teammate members were an expert and she did almost most of it. I forgot the second activity name but it was interesting. So we each get a partner and wear the rubber thing that goes on our legs and walk together. My teammate kept falling but we managed to beat the other team. Then an another fun activity we wen't is at tic tac toe. That game was really amazing and enjoyable. I was embarrassed of myself because I though we had to trow the bean bag on the sqaure but we had to run to it.  But my teammate was so incredible and had a epic comeback. Next was the sack race, I didn't play in that game because I needed to help the small people in my team. None of my team were hurt, and I was impressed. The last activity we wen't is at a relay race. I had lots of fast people in my team. It was kinda easy to win in that game because one of the team in the opponent team was not showing resilience. Then it was lunch time.

We only had four activity to do. The first lunch activity that my team wen't is at jumping paper scissors rock. The activity was full of excitement because the little kids were so cute. It was our first time loosing the activity. Third to last activity was over under. The game is to have a football and pass it to your teammate over and the next person has to pass it under, then it keeps going. But are team lost again. Next is the egg race. We had to walk or run with a tennis ball on a spoon and if you drop it you have to go back and do the obstacle again. It was fun doing the activity and challenging. My teammate were supper lucky because they manage to run with it and not dropping it. We one once again. And the last activity we've done was our body going through the hula hoop and racing with it. This time it was not fair because the opponent had more little kids so they added them ten more points to them.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my story about crazy things happened at school.

Question of the day: Have you guys played these games before? (They are fun)

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