
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

EOTC week pt 2 (Ferrymead Heritage Park, Paintballing or Driving Range.

Hello viewers,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will share you my story of going to Ferrymead Heritage Park, and paintballing.

So first we met up in our school gym because we had to do something. We wen't in our school gym so that we know what group we are in and which activity we are doing. Our activity to choose is paintballing or driving range, I picked paintballing.

By group location is going to paintball first. We splitted up into class groups. My team was room 6 and 8. The opponent team was room 7 and 3. First we had to follow the rules and listen to the instruction. The important rules was  Our team colour is green and the opponent was blue, we wore thick suit and a black helmet mask. Our first game was capture the flag. the first team gets the flag and return it to their base gets a point.

The game finally started, I can hear people shoot their guns and I saw my teammates getting shot. When I saw my teammate get shot and in pain I was like "I don't want to play this anymore", but then I motivated myself and not give up. The paint looks really satisfying when it pops.

The first three rounds the blue team gets the flag three in a row. And then we switched sides. It was easier to get the flag in our new side because its closer. We only got two in a row because we rant out of time. My friend got the flag twice by himself. But when he was getting the flag the second time he got shot and then I grabbed it and bring it to our base.

The other game mode that we played was deathwatch. My plan was to hide behind an object so I don't get shot. But then I changed my game plan, I wen't on a hill were I can see an opponent. I hedshot someone in the head in the blue team because he was shooting at my other teammate. I ran out of bullet but my teammate gave me some more bullet. But then sadly my gun ran out of gas.

It was fun playing paintball and I want to play it next time. The fun part  was all of us get to shoot the container.

Ferrymead Herritage Park!

After we finished paintball our next location is at the Ferrymead Herritage Park. This place was about being in one hundred years ago back in the days. 

The boys needed to wear a hat, a polo t shirt and a weird short. The girls wore a dress like for baking. You had to wear those in the hundred years ago everyday. The gentleman needed to let the lady go first and be nice to them. 

My group first location was at the bakery. In the bakery we had to wash our hand because we were going to make cookies. We started of with a dough and we had to make it soft. The table was with flour so the dough won't stick. We had to make it like a circle with a rolling pin. We had to pick a cookie cutter, I picked the gingerbread cookie cutter. The extra bit that we had was to decorate our cookie or just put it on the bowl. And then we had a chocolate for the extra good taste. We had to wash our hand again and they put it on a oven. And then a lady gave us an explanation about the oven in the hundred years ago. The oven was really massive and the children needed to clean it if its dirty because older people can't do it. 

The last location we wen't is the school. In the school the children had to pay for their fies. The boys and the girl was separated playing in the playground. If you were talking to the teacher, talking to your friend in school time and did something wrong to your school work. You will put your hand out and get slap by a belt. And if it gets worster you will get slap with a bamboo stick. In the classroom the boys has to fold their arms and not leaning on the back of the chair. And the girls had to put their hands on their lap.

The school work is really hard in the olden days because we had to write in cursive. If you guys don't know what cursive writing means it's written in a different way with the letters joined. And we didn't used a normal pen or pencil we had to use ink pen. If were going to write with ink pen we had to deep it in a whole on the table for ink. And we also had a small whiteboard which I didn't get to write with because we ran out of time.

Hope you enjoy my blog post of EOTC week, make sure to leave a comment.

Question of the day: Have you guys been shot by a paintball gun and have you been to Ferrymead herritage park?

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