
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

EOTC week pt 4 (port hills walk and alpine Ice skating)

Hi guys,

In this blog post, I will tell you guys my story of going ice skating and walking to port hills.

So we arrive at Victoria park and ate our morning tea because it was a long trip. After we finished eating our morning tea we listened to the teacher's instruction. We brang our sun hat and water bottle and placed our bag on the bench.

We stayed on one big lined and always stays with the path. The first few minutes the walk was fine and chilling because we were walking down. It was really scary because the path isn't wide. As we kept walking and walking the track was kinda getting harder, but lots of nice people motivated us. The road was getting sketchier because the ride side of the path was the road. Lots of silly people were tripping over because they were running. When we walk feather I wonder what was on the path walk, because there was two parallel wood going horizontal.

We crossed the road way and stop for a break. The teacher's were having a conversation about going up the mountain. Unfortunately climbing the mountain was pretty dangerous for us. So we wen't back again to go back to Victoria park. As I was getting bored I was talking to my best friend. But then the nightmares came. As we were going up to Victoria park the heat was on. When I mean by the heat was on, it means the pathway to Victoria park was steep and tiring. It felt like my body was all numb and can't move my body anymore. I kept thinking that that it's almost there. But then my thought came true, I can see the park. After we finished the walk we had a break, then we walk to the buss.

Alpine Ice Skating
When I stepped inside the room was kinda chilly, then we lined up and waited for the other bus. When the other bus arrived the I changes to my warm clothes. The warm clothes that I wore was a Macpac jacket and a t shirt under neat, the short that I was wearing was a thick long pans with a short underneath and last of all a thick comfortable socks.  

The stuff of the Alpine ice skating came and talk about the instruction. He gave us some tips for ice skating, so when we can't ice skate just walk like a penguin. After all the instruction we grabbed a purple ticket for our accessories. After we got all our accessories for ice skating. Finally it was skating time, I was really scared to skate because I haven't skate for a while. suddenly I stepped on the ice and it was really slippery. I was always holding the side of the wall because I didn't wan't to fall on my butt. 

I was really impressed when my friends can ice skate really good. But then I got motivated and slowly moving without holding the side of the wall. After few moments of ice skating I was getting better and better. I was really confident of not holding the sides. I was getting the hang of it and going faster. When I skated a lot of times, my foot were starting to get saw. So I went on the sides and hang on it. But I decided to think that it didn't do much so I wen't to sit down. After couple of minutes I wanted to ice skate again. 

Suddenly the lights wen't dark. They announced something and played a game for all of us. So when the bottle is pointing towards you, you will get a candy floss in a bag. I was unlucky so I didn't get one. Then it was time to go, But then maybe when we have our vocation me and my family will probably go ice skating.

Image result for port hills in christchurch

Please leave a comment if you enjoyed my blog post of EOTC week, hope you have a nice day!

Question of the day: Have you guys wen't ice skating before and fall on your butt? (Me I have fell a few times on my butt, but this ice skating lesson was pretty lucky because I didn't fall on my butt. 

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