
Thursday, December 26, 2019

NZ Breakers vs.Phoenix

Welcome back to my blog.

Today this will be a different blog because it's about last week. So it started like this.

My wonderful sport teacher gave me ticket for the basketball game.

Me and my dad prepared for the game and brang bag with snack and drinking bottle with us. I was so hype about the game because it's my favourite sport.

As we wen't inside the arena we were confused where to go so we ask one of the employee. But then my friends called me and saw my sport teacher. We sat next to her and watched. I was voting for NZ Breakers. In the first quarter the Phoenix were leading by lots of points. But then few minutes they were catching up. Lots of people were cheering for NZ Breakers, and keep saying defence. When the first quarter ended my friends called me to sit next to them. Then I was hungry so I get a snack out of my bag. I shared it with my friends because sharing is caring. So it was second quarter and the NZ Breakers are wining then they had a timeout. Their were lots of singing dancing and chatting. Me and my friends were talking and laughing. Then it was third quarter so the game started. Me and my friends decided to buy something from downstairs. We bought ice cream and a hot dog for my friends uncle, because we used his money. When we came back to our seat the NZ Breakers were impressive because they were still winning. Then the third quarter finished and it was time for fourth quarter. In the mean time me and my friends were having a conversation and voting who would win. One of my friends were voting for Phoenix. At fourth quarter approximately three minutes the Pheonix were catching up. But the NZ Breakers won by four points. Congratulation NZ Breakers.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my story.

Question of the day: What is your favourite sport?

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