
Sunday, December 15, 2019

My Awards!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will tell you what happened in our last school assembly.

Me and someone got picked to be the mc's for the last assembly. 'We were so excited of the awards'.

So in assembly we had the class awards, sang songs, moari song and haka, Hornby Primary School awards, Scholarship awards, Trusted Trekkers awards and new Trusted Trekkers.

After the assembly finished I got tooken photos because of my awards. My parents and I was super impressed of the awards that I got. I had four awards a citizenship award with wood on the back and god colour on the front. The other citizenship I got was a big board with a Hornby Primary School logo with lots of names including me, but sadly I had to return it. I got another citizenship certificate award and last of all I had a Trusted Trekker certificate award.

I really appreciate the things that my favourite teacher (Miss D) said about me and my rewards. "Thank you so much for your kind speech Miss D"

Last of all I want to congratulate  all the people that got an award I am really impressed!

Here is my photo:

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